my feelings towards gay people completely changed when my son came out and was dfd,i have great love for him as a person and he has a wonderful heart full of love and compassion, i see the anguish he lives with every day, he would not choose this, he loves Jehovah, you may feel one way until someone close to you is gay and you feel completely differant.
Rebecca 619
JoinedPosts by Rebecca 619
Trying to overcome my homophobia.
by Julia Orwell ini had a music album by a gay guy before i was a jw and had no problem listening to it.
it's good music.
some of the lyrics are what you might call 'gay', that is there's some talk about boyfriends, gay bars, and queens and the intolerance the artist encountered as a gay man.
NEWBIES are leaving like crazy! Be very afraid WT
by clarity in# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
Rebecca 619
I joined after my son was dfd for being gay, i needed advice, and i got soo much support and compassion that has helped me a great deal, thank you all for your concern.
Feeling Disfellowshipped
by meep5 inlet me briefly explain my back-story: i grew up in a jw household and was technically a jw until 20 years old.
i stopped attending meetings in 1998 and told my parents i was done in 1999. i'm not sure where i saw my future when i was 19 but i know for a fact i didn't see myself as a "witness" then.
i hated the hypocrisy and the extreme gossip.
Rebecca 619
meep5: i am so sorry for the way your mother is treating you,i cant even imagine that my son is dfd hes only 20, and i will never disown him hes everything to me the shunning part of beibg a jw is very hurtful and painful,i see my sons anguish everyone ge grew up with is a jw and now no one can even acknoledge him,in fact we just had a conversation a few minutes ago, he notices i wont go to service or meetings if hes home, he gets depressed, or if someone invites me over, i ask him if he has plans if he doent i stay with him,he said he feels hes holding me back spiritually, i reassuerred him id much rather hang out with him than anyone at kh, the desfellowshipping is the worst thing,it is very hurtful especally when your young and vulnerable, hang in there hopefully your mom will change.
WT SHUNNING POLICY: What has it done, or could it do to you?
by flipper inhi y'all, this is mrs. flipper.
please share your experiences with this, or possible consequences of being outed.. this recent controversy and resulting arguments all stem from people being outed - possibly losing friends and family because most jw's will blindly follow the watchtower's rules to shun them.. among people i know and experiences read here, the grief and loss caused by this is terrible, and maybe now is a good time to put up some experiences here, and put the focus on the worst villians of all - wt policymakers..
Rebecca 619
It has broken my heart my 20 year old son is dfd and if we are t the store or sonething and a wittness walks by does not even acknowledge my son hurts to the very core of my being, my son is a human being with feelings hes not invisible.
Shocking talk from 2013 District Convention urges parents to shun disfellowshipped children
by cedars in
Rebecca 619
TECH49: I am in tears reading your post my son is dfd,he tried to come back attending meetings and trying really hard for about a year,i often prayed to Jehovah than when he would get up and leave one elder out of 8 would get up and follow him to tell him they loved him or something but it never happened i thaught they loved my son weve been in this cong since he was 4 .they seen my son grow up and now hes 20. my son struggles as it is he is gay he tried, but now doesnt attend anymore, several people on this site have helped me to see and accept my son, and i have , not put that on him he loves jah . he attended dc and a sister who also had a son dfd went up to him and put her hand on shoulder and said we love you happy to have you here. that made my son feel good not invisible. the elders see me at kh never even ask me about my son, it hurts so much the truth, has been everything to me been baptized for 32 years and am now 50. like you said a wink a smile, thats what i try to do when i see a dfd one they need to know we love them their not invisible. thank you for your post.
exJW Psychology 104--One Way to Play the Depression Card
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite ini had an interesting conversation with bobby (*some names have been changed) last weekend.
he's also a successful fader going back several years before me.
but i found we had something in common that i hadn't realized.. bobby had never been particularly happy growing up.
Rebecca 619
Billy: thank you for that your right the most important quality is love, and that is what i will focus on show !ove, my son would not choose to live this if he had a choice, i will get therapy for him ,thanks
exJW Psychology 104--One Way to Play the Depression Card
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite ini had an interesting conversation with bobby (*some names have been changed) last weekend.
he's also a successful fader going back several years before me.
but i found we had something in common that i hadn't realized.. bobby had never been particularly happy growing up.
Rebecca 619
laika thank you for your beautiful words.
exJW Psychology 104--One Way to Play the Depression Card
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite ini had an interesting conversation with bobby (*some names have been changed) last weekend.
he's also a successful fader going back several years before me.
but i found we had something in common that i hadn't realized.. bobby had never been particularly happy growing up.
Rebecca 619
Laika, thank you for your beautiful words i love my son sooo much he is a good boy, i will never shun him i am just confused becuz dont know i guess since he was raised serving Jah but i really cant force him , i know he loves Jehovah but hes torn i dont want him to be anguished by feeling preasure from us
exJW Psychology 104--One Way to Play the Depression Card
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite ini had an interesting conversation with bobby (*some names have been changed) last weekend.
he's also a successful fader going back several years before me.
but i found we had something in common that i hadn't realized.. bobby had never been particularly happy growing up.
Rebecca 619
laika thank you for your beautiful words, i will never shun my son he is such a caring boy hes only 20 , but i feel torn ,i dont approve of his lifestyle ,i guess its hard going to meetings serving Jah and not having him by my side.
exJW Psychology 104--One Way to Play the Depression Card
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite ini had an interesting conversation with bobby (*some names have been changed) last weekend.
he's also a successful fader going back several years before me.
but i found we had something in common that i hadn't realized.. bobby had never been particularly happy growing up.
Rebecca 619
Hi i guess im at the other end of this my son has said he has never felt he has fit in with any one at kingdom hall,he was dfd because hes gay i was soo devasted he is very depressed i dont want to put preasure on him to come back and cause him to have more anguish i love my son with all my heart so confused